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Circulars 2006
(Circular No. 37, s-2006)
Clarification on Payment of Professional fees for Radiology & Pathology Services
(Circular No. 36, s-2006)
Premium Contribution Requirement for IPP members Availing of PhilHealth Coverage for Selected Procedures
(Circular No. 35, s-2006)
Revised Survey Tolls & Additional Accreditation Requirements
(Circular No. 34, s-2006)
PhilHealth Newborn Care Package (NCP)
(Circular No. 33, s-2006)
Clarification on Relative Value Scale Coding for Chemotherapy Administration
(Circular No. 31, s-2006)
Amendment to PhilHealth Circular No. 27, s-2004 (Equivalent Relative Value Scale (RVS) Codes for Bone Marrow Harvesting and Transplantation)
(Circular No. 30, s-2006)
Enhanced PhilHealth Identification Card for the Non-Paying Member (NPM)
(Circular No. 29, s-2006)
Amendment to PhilHealth Circular No. 10, s-2005 regarding clarifications on the eligibility of Individually Paying Members and their dependents to PhilHealth coverage
(Circular No. 28, s-2006)
Guidelines and Documentary Requirements in Availment of PhilHealth Benefits of Minor-member Below 18 Years Old Enrolled under the Individually-Paying Program (IPP) and Survivor-Children Below 18 Years Old
(Circular No. 27, s-2006)
Implementation of Electronic Communications
(Circular No. 26, s-2006)
Updated List of Documentary Requirements in the Availment of PhilHealth Benefits
(Circular No. 25, s-2006)
Phase-In of Organized Group Partners under Model 1 to Model 2 of PhilHealth Organized Group Interface
(Circular No. 24, s-2006)
Pilot-Testing of the Partner Pharmacy Project (PPP) at PhilHealth Regional Office (PRO) I
(Circular No. 23, s-2006)
Expanded Coverage of PhilHealth Normal Spontaneous Delivery Package in PhilHealth Accredited Hospitals and Maternity Care Package in PhilHealth Accredited Non-Hospital Facilities (Lying-In Clinics)
(Circular No. 22, s-2006)
Reimbursement of Preoperative Tests Performed Before a Planned (Elective) Surgery
(Circular No. 21, s-2006)
Forty-Five (45) Days Limit for Room and Board Allowance of Members and Dependents
(Circular No. 20, s-2006)
Clarification on the Relative Value Scale (RVS) Coding for Manual Phacoemulsification
(Circular No. 19, s-2006)
Addendum to the Compensable Procedures in the Relative Value Scale (RVS) 2001
(Circular No. 18, s-2006)
Postponement of Implementation of PhilHealth Circular No. 15, s-2006
(Circular No. 17, s-2006)
Submission of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) of Hospitals with Outsourced Services
(Circular No. 16, s-2006)
Reformed Value Added Tax (RVAT) Implementation on PhilHealth Reimbursements for Professional Fees
(Circular No. 15, s-2006)
Reimbursement of Claims for PNDF Drugs used only in Hospitals Accredited under the DOH Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Program
(Circular No. 14, s-2006)
Amendment to PhilHealth Circular No. 26 of 2003: PhilHealth Coverage of Avian Influenza and Influenza Pandemic
(Circular No. 13, s-2006)
ICD-10 Coding Guidelines for Tuberculosis
(Circular No. 12, s-2006)
Requirement for A Continuous Quality Improvement Program in Accreditation of Hospitals
(Circular No. 11, s-2006)
Guidelines on the Renewal of Accreditation of Out-Patient Clinics
(Circular No. 10, s-2006)
Amendment to PhilHealth Circular No. 25, s-2005 (Revised and Updated Guidelines on Logbooks)
(Circular No. 9, s-2006)
Guidelines for all the members of NHIP including Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who cannot personally transact business with the Corporation
(Circular No. 8, s-2006)
Amendment to Accreditation of TB-DOTS Facilities
(Circular No. 7, s-2006)
Rules on Retroactive Payment of Premium Contribution for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)
(Circular No. 6, s-2006)
Clarifications on PhilHealth Benefits for Dialysis
(Circular No. 5, s-2006)
Amendment of PhilHealth Circulars 21 and 23, s-2005 for the Extension of the Validity of the Special LGU Premium Counterpart Contribution and Oplan 2.5 Million Renewal
(Circular No. 4, s-2006)
Amendment to PhilHealth Circular No. 29, s-2005 on the Revised Warranties of Accreditation for Health Care Providers
(Circular No. 3, s-2006)
Non-reimbursement of Claims for Philippine National Drug Formulary (PNDF) Drugs and Quantitative Buffy Coat Analysis Used Beyond Their Acceptable Indications
(Circular No. 2, s-2006)
New DOH hospital categories based on service capability
(Circular No. 1, s-2006)
Amendment to PhilHealth Circular No. 11, s-2005 (Issuance of New Accreditation ID Cards with the New Accreditation Number Convention)
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