Local Collections
Overseas Collections
Over-the-counter collection system
- Asia United Bank Corporation
- Bank of Commerce
- Bank One Savings Corporation
- Camalig Bank Inc. (A Rural Bank)
- Century Rural Bank, Inc.
- Century Savings Bank Corporation
- China Banking Corporation
- China Bank Savings, Inc.
- CIS Bayad Center, Inc.
- Citystate Savings Bank, Inc.
- Development Bank of the Philippines.
- Land Bank of the Philippines
- Local Government Units (selected LGUs only)
- Money Mall Rural Bank, Inc.
- Penbank, Inc. (A Private Development Bank)
- Philippine Business Bank, Inc.
- Philippine Veterans Bank
- Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation
- Robinsons Bank Corporation
- Rural Bank of Bambang (N.V.), Inc.
- Rural Bank of Jose Panganiban (CN), Inc.
- Saviour Rural Bank, Inc.
- SM Mart, Inc.
- UCPB Savings Bank
- Union Bank of the Philippines
- United Coconut Planters Bank
Online Collection Scheme
Over-the-counter collection system