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PhilHealth, Land Bank of the Philippines signs MOA for the Auto-Credit Payment Scheme for Hospitals September 27, 2012

The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) recently signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the Land Bank of the Philippines to adopt payment to Institutional Health Care Providers (IHCPs) through Auto-Credit Payment Scheme (ACPS).

No less than our PhilHealth President and CEO Dr. Eduardo P. Banzon and Land Bank Senior Vice President Jocelyn DG. Cabreza (both at the middle) led the ceremonial MOA signing in behalf of its President, Gilda E. Pico. With them are PhilHealth's OIC-GVP for Quality Assurance Dr. Francisco Z. Soria, Jr. (extreme left) and LBP Vice President Jennifer A. Tantan (extreme right).

The MOA calls for the use of ACPS, a payment scheme where providers' claim is directly credited to their designated deposit account with Land Bank of the Philippines. This scheme guarantees more efficient service to partner stakeholders and this will also ensure a faster and a more convenient way of claims reimbursement.

This applies initially to all hospital claims under Fee-for-Service (FFS), Case Rates (CR), Type Z Benefit Package and Global Budget Payment Program (GBPP). Excluded under this new payment scheme and shall still be paid through checks are payments for Primary Care Benefits (PCB), Outpatient HIV-AIDS Treatment Package (OHAT), Maternity Care Package (MCP), Animal Bite Treatment Package, Ambulatory Surgical Clinics (ASCs), and Outpatient Malaria Package. Soon, reimbursement of provider claims through Auto-Credit Payment Scheme shall be applied to all packages. (END)

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