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PhilHealth Cards Not Useless in Infirmaries November 5, 2012

The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) has clarified that PhilHealth cards issued to its members can still be used in health care facilities that will be reclassified as infirmaries and clinics.

The state-run health insurance agency is reacting to Dr. Rustico Jimenez, President of the Private Hospitals Association (PHAP) who expressed fears that PhilHealth cards will be rendered useless in infirmaries as a result of the new policy contained in Administrative Order 12 of the Department of Health.

PhilHealth reiterated that it automatically accredits health care facilities granted a license to operate by the DOH. “In the event where hospitals get reclassified to infirmaries, their accreditation with us remains but will just be adjusted based on their new classification” clarified Dr. Eduardo P. Banzon, PhilHealth President and CEO.

Banzon assured its members and the general public that PhilHealth will immediately take necessary steps to come up with an appropriate benefit scheme for infirmaries to ensure continuous access to health services and guarantee PhilHealth reimbursements to infirmaries according to their adjustedservice capability.

He also said that developments such as this are encouraged, saying that "it will be for the greater benefit of Filipinos who deserve only quality services from our hospitals."

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