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PhilHealth Chief Guests in "On Call" March 10, 2011

PhilHealth Chief Guests in On Call

Dr. Rey B. Aquino, President and CEO of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) was the featured guest in "On Call," over last March 9, 2011. Hosted by Ivan Mayrina and Connie Sison, the public service program is aired from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays.

PhilHealth Chief Guests in On Call

Aquino answered questions on membership, benefit coverage and availment, and emphasized the need to pay one's contributions regularly to be able to ensure continuous coverage. He also shared with the public PhilHealth's future plans and assured them that the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP) is solid and that PhilHealth's funds are intact.

PhilHealth Chief Guests in On Call

Phone-in questions from callers who wanted to know more about the program and their membership status were also entertained and answered to by Aquino. (Documentation by Amelita L. Buted and Jonathan M. Yao, Public Affairs Department)

PhilHealth Chief Guests in On Call

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