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PhilHealth raises the stakes in public service December 3, 2018

In a survey conducted by Novo Trends in 2016, PhilHealth registered an awareness rating of 94% while 82% of the respondents claimed to have had very satisfactory experience during benefits application. Novo Trends employed a series of focused-group discussions and covered the period October-November 2016. Based on the results, the No Balance Billing facility and maternity care package surfaced as the top service/benefit known to PhilHealth beneficiaries.

These were the by-product of effective marketing campaigns aimed at empowering PhilHealth members to seek proper medical care and treatment for themselves and their qualified dependents. The highest in awareness level among regions soared as high as 99.3%. Central Visayas and Cordillera Administrative Region scored an identical mark of 98.3%.

According to the 2017 Philippine Trust Index, the EON Group’s proprietary research mechanism, the state health insurer was one of the most trusted government agencies that provide social services. Clearly, PhilHealth’s consistent, reliable, and dynamic services were enough to earn a 95% trust grade. The group was consisted of 1,200 Filipinos aged 18 and above.

This year, Novo Trends has finished a preliminary report on intercept interviews for frontline services. The report is a component of the 2018 Client Awareness and Satisfaction Survey which is currently being polished by the same firm.

The report was intended to determine the satisfaction level of clients who transact with PhilHealth Regional Offices (PROs) as well as their sources of PhilHealth information and suggestions for services improvement. A structured questionnaire designed by the Governance Commission for Government-owned and Controlled Corporations was used to conduct random face-to-face interviews.

PhilHealth earned net satisfaction ratings of over 92% from individual customers and business organizations. The respondents lauded the frontline services such as member enrolment and premium payment, among others. An average of 94.1% pleasing mark was netted by the Corporation in this regard.

When broken down to geographic levels, PhilHealth received a satisfaction grade of 96.5% in Metro Manila and 92.7% for the rest of Luzon. Further, the ratings of Visayas and Mindanao brought up the national score to 92.8%.

In addition, the Corporation’s all-encompassing benefits were a major factor for garnering the nods of approval of beneficiaries. From the All Case Rates to the Z Benefits, PhilHealth proved that it has responded to the challenges of Universal Health Care (UHC).

The report conclusively affirmed the efficiency of PhilHealth’s frontline services. The participants were in agreement that processes were simple, documentary requirements were reasonable, and over-the-counter transactions were swift. Moreover, the respondents deemed PhilHealth information to be clear and easy to obtain.

Indeed, the results were irrefutable and placed PhilHealth on the right track of obtaining outstanding rating from the public that its serves. Despite issues thrown at the Corporation, PhilHealth never strays from its vision: “Bawat Filipino Miyembro, Bawat Miembro Protektado, Kalusugan ng Lahat Segurado”.

Last June, the Corporation was certified compliant to the ISO 9001:2015 standards or Risk-Based Thinking. According tothe AJA Registrars Philippines, PhilHealth is one of the few government entities to have its head office and all regional and local health insurance offices nationwide certified at the same time.

Finally, PhilHealth recently received a Certificate of Collaboration for the implementation and Operation of the 8888 citizens’ complaint hotline and designation of focal and technical persons. As of November 6, 2018, PhilHealth was able to address 97.8% of the concerns routed through the 8888 hotline and boasted a 95.65% resolution rate for inquiries logged via Contact Center ng Bayan. The social health care provider not only resolved complaints at a high clip but was also commended to be among the government agencies that recorded the fastest turn-around-time.

Dr. Roy B. Ferrer, PhilHealth President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) said in a statement, “We, at PhilHealth, are honoured to serve the Filipino people. Indeed, true and lasting progress can be attained if we can preserve a strong, healthy, and productive population. Be assured that PhilHealth will continue to be dedicated, decisive and dependable in the years to come. We will deliver and sustain the trust of the Filipinos in our journey to the realization of the Universal Health Care in the country.” END (JJ Rico)

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PhilHealth raises the stakes in public service