Making an oath to serve the people is selflessness to its highest level. Such service entails utmost regard for public interest over and above personal interest. Difficult as it may seem, the fulfillment that every government employee acquires through earnest and efficient service is enough to render the same kind of assistance to the next client who comes his way. In this day and age when social media rank high in information dissemination, the Public Affairs Unit (PAU) of the PhilHealth Regional Office – Cordillera Administrative Region (PRO-CAR) is traversing all known boundaries to be able to employ the widest reach possible, especially in terms of social media presence.
PhilHealthCAR@Your Service is an innovative strategy by the PRO-CAR PAU to achieve its mandate of advocating the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP) across all media platforms. It purports to embrace this technological era where almost every piece of information is within reach through social media.
This live segment via Facebook made its full swing last April 6, 2017 and became a regular activity of the PRO-CAR PAU. It is now airing every Friday from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. The program is facilitated by Magnolia G. del Rosario and the author, together with Fritz Fernando.Topics for discourse range from basic, frequently asked questions to the most recent PhilHealth Circulars. Viewersare engaged during the live telecast through questions received, entertained and answered by the hosts towards the end of the show.
Like any other service enhancement, PhilHealthCAR@Your Service took some time to reach its share of the limelight, giving the PhilHealth Cordillera page 785 followers since its inception. No broadcast is impeccable and every live program relayed is an opportunity for improvement. However, a public servant’s oath to provide genuine service to the community is the driving force which allows for re-inventing public service to cope with the changing times without foregoing its true essence.
“The PRO-CAR PAU will continue to devise means and ways to fulfill its directive of delivering information on the NHIP to all Filipinos here and abroad in all media platforms available,” del Rosario quips. “We will not stop innovating for our PhilHealth members, and therefore, expect more innovations in the PRO-CAR PAU,” she added. (END) (Lala Manzano, PRO-CAR)
(Reference: Dr. Israel Francis A. Pargas, Head Executive Assistant and Concurrent OIC-Vice President for Corporate Affairs Group, Cel No. 0917-8089399)