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PhilHealth Sets Governors’ Forum on May 30 May 25, 2018

A press conference will also be held to give members of media the chance to ask more about the various programs and collaborative efforts between PhilHealth and the local government units where implementation of the National Health Insurance Program is concerned. Duque, Singson, and PhilHealth Interim/OIC President and CEO Dr. Celestina Ma. Jude P. De La Serna will serve as panelists.

Under the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of R. A. 10606, the Program shall be compulsory in all provinces, cities and municipalities nationwide, notwithstanding the existence of LGU-based health insurance programs. (END) (Servillano G. Medina)

Reference: Dr. Israel Francis A. Pargas, Head Executive Assistant and Concurrent OIC-SVP, Health Finance Policy Sector (Mobile: 0917-8089399)

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PhilHealth Sets Governors’ Forum on May 30