OVERSEAS Filipino Workers (OFWs) enrolled in the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP) must ensure that their premium contributions are recorded and posted in their respective membership accounts to guarantee availability of social health insurance benefits in times of medical need.
The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) is reminding OFWs to keep tab of the premiums they pay through Accredited Collecting Agents (ACAs) by contacting the nearest PhilHealth office or by sending an e-mail to the Overseas Filipinos Program (OFP) Program office at ofp@philhealth.gov.ph. The e-mail should contain the PhilHealth Identification Number (PIN) of the OFW-member, full name, and date of birth for accurate retrieval of payment records.
The ACAs are given a maximum of two (2) days to post payment of premiums which is immediately recorded in the PhilHealth Treasury database.
Presentation of Official Receipts (ORs) and/or Remittance Reports (RRs) are needed to confirm payments not registered in PhilHealth’s database.
Alternatively, members may log on to http://memberinquiry.philhealth.gov.ph to view their premium payments history and other membership information.
The OFP Office also encourages OFWs to maintain an updated Member Data Record (MDR), particularly their contact information, to receive updates on programs, benefits, and services of PhilHealth. (END) (JJ Rico)
(Reference: Dr. Israel Francis A. Pargas, Head Executive Assistant and Concurrent OIC-Vice President for Corporate Affairs Group, Cel No. 0917-8089399)