Since PROJECT REACHOUT was implemented in 2012 through Office Order No. 0163 s. 2012- Guidelines for the Implementation of PROJECT REACHOUT, Health Care Providers are now more abreast on the new policies and directions of our Corporation.
With PROJECT REACHOUT, fora and events specifically for the healthcare providers are given proper allotment in the activities of the Regional Offices. Regular orientations to the PhilHealth Clerks and meetings with the Municipal Health Officers and other similar events to ensure continuous engagement with the hospitals, FSDs, ASCs, birthing homes, RHUs and other facilities are conducted.
Early this year, Region I Vice President, Dr. Leo Douglas V. Cardona Jr. found it essential to meet all the Medical Directors and the Chiefs of Hospitals of the Accredited Health Care Providers (AHCPs) in the entire region to re-acquaint himself with the doctors with whom he addressed their concerns regarding claim benefits and issues. Likewise, he emphasized the PhilHealth’s program/plan pertaining to the performance assessment scheme of healthcare providers.
Relative to the enhancement of PhilHealth’s programs on MCP, NSD and NCP, another ReachOut event was conducted sin May 2015 among accredited private MCP providers in Region 1. PhilHealth Circular 22 s. 2014 - Social Health Insurance Coverage and Benefits for Women About to Give Birth was discussed, thus, clarifications on claims processing were addressed.
Just recently, a re-orientation of the PhilHealth clerks of hospitals was held. Hospitals responded with an impressive attendance of 195 attendees from 132 accredited health care institutions in the region. This happened on four (4) different dates in four (4) provinces where several 2014 PhilHealth Circulars were reviewed. New circulars of 2015 were presented and discussed, as well. Importantly, Cardona presented the collected data on membership, collection and claims from CY 2008 to CY 2014. He also illustrated the top 20 paid hospitals in Region 1 and showed the highlights of the Corporation’s benefit packages and programs.
Several issues and concerns were raised by the clerks, captured in a list of agreements that was eventually sent to them. The use of a functional portal was likewise emphasized.
The one-day activity was full of updates and clarifications. The clerks themselves requested that similar orientations or updating be held on a quarterly basis.
Project REACHOUT continues to function to improve communication and relationship between PhilHealth and its stakeholders, particularly the health care providers. With the support of the RVP, active Regional REACHOUT Teams have been working hand-in-hand to fully implement the project. Conduct of REACHOUT activity includes forum, installation of PhilHealth booths during local medical society conventions and other innovative activities determined by PhilHealth and the medical societies. In the delivery of quality health service, we carry on in strengthening our partnership. (END)(Marizel F. Apolonio)