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PhilHealth Cordillera Bags
4 ARTA Seal of Excellence Awards May 25, 2015

THREE Local Health Insurance Offices (LHIOs) of the PhilHealth Regional Office-Cordillera Administrative Region (PRO-CAR) namely Abra, Mt. Province and Baguio City including the PhilHealth Business Center (PBC) for Apayao were awarded the Citizen’s Satisfaction Center Seal of Excellence in an awarding ceremony graced by CSC Acting Chairman Robert S. Martinez on May 18, 2015 at the Venus Park View Hotel, Baguio City.

The Abra Office garnered an Anti-Red Tape Report Card Survey result of 91.44%, while Mt. Province and Baguio City got their final numerical rating of 93.90% and 90.94% respectively. Apayao PBC meanwhile received a rating of 90.12%.

The survey was conducted by unassuming representatives of the Civil Service Commission between July to August 2014 where the said offices were measured based on their Compliance with the ARTA provisions as well as over-all client satisfaction.

The regular and continuing activity of the CSC is an offshoot of Republic Act 9485 otherwise known as the Anti-Red Tape Act that mandates all government offices and agencies including local government units and government-owned and controlled corporations that provide frontline services to improve efficiency in the delivery of government service to the public by reducing bureaucratic red tape, as well as effect measures to prevent graft and corruption.

Aside from the glass seal conferred to the LHIOs and PBC through PRO-CAR Regional Vice President Atty. Jerry F. Ibay and the LHIO/PBC Heads, each Office likewise received P100,000.00 intended to pursue projects that will further client delight and satisfaction in the provision of services.

Sharing the limelight are GSIS Baguio Branch and PSA (NSO) Abra that likewise received their glass seals and P100,000.00 each.

Witnessing the event were around 500 guests of the GSIS Baguio Branch who attended the Stakeholder’s Dialogue also in the same venue.

Ibay expressed his delight to yet another accomplishment of the PRO-CAR Local Health Insurance Offices and PhilHealth Business Center. He stressed however that the Award should not be a reason for each and every staff to rest on the laurels but that this should serve as an inspiration to continue to strive harder, because the genuine and more fulfilling compliment is the simple and unpretentious remarks of gratitude and smiles from delighted PhilHealth customers. (END) (Magnolia G. Del Rosario)

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PhilHealth Cordillera Bags 4 ARTA Seal of Excellence Awards