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PhilHealth is among the CSC list that tops red tape-free agencies May 7, 2013

THE Civil Service Commission (CSC) lauded the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) as one of the top leading agencies among a list of 449 government agencies that passed the CSC’s Anti-Red Tape Report Card Survey (RCS) for the year 2012.

Together with PhilHealth are the Department of Trade and Industry, Bureau of Internal Revenue, Social Security System, and Land Transportation Office leading the list of 50 other government offices obtaining an "excellent" rating, the highest in the scale with scores between 90 and 100.

CSC Chairman Francisco T. Duque III explained that government agencies were rated based on their compliance with the Anti-Red Tape Act (ARTA) of 2007 aimed to improve the efficiency in the delivery of government service to the public by reducing bureaucratic red tape, preventing graft and corruption, and providing penalties. The public's comments and feedbacks are vital to establish effective practices in government.

PhilHealth's frontline service delivery, service quality, physical working condition, and overall client satisfaction were surveyed. Also checked was the observance of the "No Noon Break" policy; presence of a public assistance desk/center; availability of basic facilities such as comfort rooms; and special lane for persons with disabilities, pregnant women, and the elderly.

Due to excellent service it provided to its members, various PhilHealth Regional and Local Health Insurance Offices (LHIO) in different regions in the country were awarded the CSC Citizens Satisfaction Center Seal of Excellence in 2012 which include: PhilHealth Region IV-B in Batangas City including its LHIO in Puerto Princesa, Palawan; LHIOs in the cities of Bacolod, Kabankalan, and Passi under the PhilHealth Region VI; and in Marawi City under the PhilHealth-ARMM.

It was also in 2012 when the results of the Social Weather Station (SWS) nationwide survey showed that PhilHealth has a Net satisfaction rating of +82, which in SWS's terminology is "excellent" in terms of PhilHealth's support and protection across all areas and classes of its members and dependents.

PhilHealth Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Atty. Alexander A. Padilla said that with this recognition, PhilHealth will sustain and raise further the bar to excellence. (END)

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