The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) recently held it’s first-ever Partnership Summit at the Legend Villas, Mandaluyong City with partner-government agencies Department of Health, Department of Social and Welfare Development and the Presidential Management Staff.
The summit was led by Health Secretary and Chair of the Board Dr. Enrique T. Ona and PhilHealth President and CEO Alexander A. Padilla together with Board Members Dr. Alexander A. Ayco, Jane M. N. Sta. Ana, Dr. Francisco Vicente F. Lopez and former Health Secretary and Civil Service Commission Chair Francisco T. Duque III representing the sector of Labor, Filipino Overseas Workers, Self-Employed and CSC, respectively. PMS Head Ms. Julia Andrea Abad, key PhilHealth and DOH officers, and other partner-agencies from Regional and NCR hospitals and Centers for Health Department of DOH also attended the event.
In his welcome remarks, PCEO Padilla said that the summit is a good venue for identifying all health concerns as well as those of stakeholders. "We are serious in our aim of universal health care and we hope to encourage everybody to improve our system by providing quality and standard healthcare services due them and the means to access the same," he said.
The two-day summit focused on PhilHealth’s "No Balance Billing" and "Point of Care" policies as part of the strategies to attain Universal Health Care and promote financial risk protection especially to the less fortunate into the program. It also highlights the discussion on the Implementing Rules and Regulation of Republic Act 10606 otherwise known as the National Health Insurance Act of 2013, a law providing mandatory health care for all Filipinos.
"We do not just pay for the cost of hospital service but more importantly, we change the behaviors of these healthcare providers," Padilla added. (END)